Zoom Teeth Whitening in Purcellville, VA

If you are self-conscious about your smile because it isn’t as white and bright as it could be, you don’t have to live with it.

At Purcellville Dental Care, we can make your smile several shades whiter in just one visit! We use the Zoom whitening system to whiten your teeth safely and effectively. The Zoom bleaching process provides results that are vivid—in just one visit! When you follow up your treatment with the take-home bleaching system, you will find that your teeth are whiter than you would have thought possible.

You don’t have to live with stained or yellowed teeth; call us today to find out how the Zoom whitening system can make your smile dramatically whiter!

How Does Zoom Whitening Work?

The Zoom treatment consists of a hydrogen peroxide whitening gel, which breaks apart the stains on the teeth. Oxygen saturates the enamel and dentin of the teeth, getting rid of stains that have been building up for many years. Your teeth may be as many as 10 shades whiter after just one treatment!

Is Zoom Whitening Safe?

If you have been thinking about teeth whitening, you might be wondering if it is safe. Perhaps you have heard that teeth whitening treatment can be painful and cause gum irritation. While it is true that over-the-counter teeth whitening kits often cause sensitivity—particularly if they are used improperly—having your teeth whitened by a dental professional is safe and usually sensitivity free. Zoom whitening administered under the care of your dentist is not only safe, but also provides excellent results after just one treatment.

How Long Will the Zoom Whitening Procedure Take?

We generally tell patients to expect to be at their whitening treatment appointment for about an hour. Preparation for your treatment will take a few minutes, then the bleaching process itself takes about 45 minutes. During your procedure, you can relax and watch television or listen to music.

Keep in mind that the Zoom whitening procedure does not do anything to clean your teeth, so you will want to have a full teeth cleaning prior to having your teeth whitened.

Zoom Whitening Lauderhill FLIs the Zoom Whitening Procedure Painful?
There is no pain associated with teeth whitening, and most patients find that the procedure is not uncomfortable. If you have dental anxiety or a strong gag reflex, however, you might find the procedure a bit more difficult. Be sure to talk to us prior to your appointment if you have any concerns.

How Long Do the Results Last?

You can expect your Zoom whitening results to last a good amount of time, particularly if you are diligent about at-home care with your whitening trays, as well as normal brushing and flossing. It’s also a good idea to refrain from any habits that may have stained your teeth in the first place.

Dr. Talib Ali will give you thorough instructions to follow at home so you can enjoy Zoom whitening results for many years to come. Be sure to come in twice a year for a cleaning and examination.

Call Purcellville Dental Care today to find out more about Zoom whitening. In just one visit, your teeth can be many shades whiter and brighter!

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