All Ceramic Crowns

All Ceramic Crowns Purcellville, VA

Over time, due to certain acids in food and beverages and even normal wear and tear, our teeth begin to weaken, becoming more susceptible to decay and cracking. If you notice a damaged tooth, have pain due to a hairline fracture, a dental crown may be a necessary option to prevent further breakage or tooth loss.

We design custom-fit crowns with porcelain, porcelain fused to metal, or gold. The process of installing a dental crown is quite simple. On the first visit, we will shape the tooth, take impressions, and provide a temporary crown. On your second visit, we will check the color and shape of your new crown and then permanently bond it to your tooth.

When you are faced with moderate to severe tooth decay or damage, Dr. Ali may suggest a dental crown. A crown is one type of dental restoration that is used to restore the size, strength, and shape of a tooth.

Tooth-shaped caps, dental crowns can fit entirely over your tooth up to the gum line.
A dental crown is a great option for our patients looking to improve both the function and beauty of their smile, and may be suggested by our dentist to:

  • Support a large filling or root canal treatment
  • Repair moderate to severe tooth decay or damage
  • Anchor a dental bridge
  • Complete a dental implant

Our porcelain crowns can be designed, created, and placed in two visits to our dental office. We will first prepare your tooth to accommodate the thickness of your dental crown.

Molds and impressions of your smile are then taken and sent to a dental laboratory, where your custom crowns will be made. If necessary, we will place temporary crowns until the permanent restorations are completed.

Once the permanent crown is back at our office, our dentist will make sure it fits perfectly and will then cement it in place.

We are dedicated to helping you fill in the gaps left by missing teeth with restorative all ceramic dental crowns in our Purcellville, VA office.

If you would like to learn more about restoring your smile to its natural brilliance give us a call at Purcellville Dental Care today! 540-441-3861.


Contact us at 540-441-3861 so we can
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